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All the form elements you need to translate your business logic into a calculator form

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"Any website needs a calculator!"

ConvertCalculator supports a wide range of input and output elements. Number questions, option questions, dates, places, signatures, formula results, layered images. You name it. With ConvertCalculator you can build any kind of form. The cool thing is that every input has a number value attached to it, which makes it possible to calculate outputs with all inputs (even dropdowns, dates an other text based questions). Take a look below to get a glimpse of the element types we support.

Number questions

Do you want to request a number input directly? Or do you prefer a range? Lucky for you, we support a number of number question elements (pun intended 😉). Number elements can be displayed as a range slider, number input field, number incrementer field or a combination.

List questions

Let the user choose between multiple options in a couple of flavours. Like multiple choice, dropdown, button group, multiple selection and an order list. You can even use images for options. By assigning a numerical value to an option, you can use the results in your calculations.

Yes / No Questions

With ConvertCalculator you can ask for Yes / No questions in style, by adding a switch or checkbox. Use Yes / No questions when you want to quickly toggle options on or off. Booleans are perfect for pricing extra options in your online quote form or for checking off things.

Text and email

Do you want to collect user details, receive quotes, or send a PDF quote to the submitter? Make sure you add an email and name field to your calculator form. The text and email field, in combination with a button that you can set as form submission, are the backbone of most online forms.


Do you want to collect a specific date? Use our Date element. Do you want to calculate the number of days between the start and end date? Use our Dates element. If you combine the dates element with an IF-statement or datasheet, you can easily make a booking form where discounts are calculated, based on the set duration.


Want to charge a delivery fee that depends on the distance covered? We got you. Our Place and Places element allows you to ask for one or two locations before returning the distance. Combine this with an IF-statement and you can easily build an estimate form that charges an extra fee for distances over x-miles or kilometres. You can even return the driving duration, to calculate an hourly fee.


Need more? With ConvertCalculator, you can also create order forms where users can upload documents, add a coupon code, or sign their form with a signature. Do you need additional form elements? Reach out via the contact button and we'll see what we can do for you.


Think it. Build it.

The form below showcases the elements discussed on this page

Form Elements example

and more

Flexible, Powerful, Beautiful

With ConvertCalculator, the sky is the limit. If you can dream it, you can build it."


Our DIY calculator gives you all the items you need to build the form you require.


Translate options into values and start calculating with your visitor's inputs. Perfect for configuring, pricing, and quoting complex products.


Style your form with custom CSS to fit your online calculator form to your brand.

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