Number Question

Capture numbers or quantities. Number Question can be displayed as a range slider, number input field, or number incrementer field.


  • Title: Provide a title to the number question, set the title type, and toggle “Title is visible?” to change the visibility on the calculator.
  • Add tooltip: Toggle this option if you want to add a tooltip to the question.
  • Description: You can add a description under the title. You can use markdown markups to format.
  • Display as:
    • Range: Increasing and decrementing the number’s bar.
    • Number: Write down the number
    • Incrementer: Set up the number by pressing on ‘-’ or ‘+’.
  • Set up:
    • Minimum: The lowest number that can be used.
    • Maximum: The highest number that can be used.
    • Default: The number will appear first and will appear if no one changes it.
    • Step: How many numbers do you want to increase and decrease?
    • Prefix: Symbol, number, or character you want to appear before the number selected. (e.g. $)
    • Postfix: Symbol, number, words, or character you want to appear after the number selected. (e.g., per month)
  • Is this question required?: Toggle if you want to make it mandatory to answer this question.
  • Show/Hide Logic: Toggle this to control if this question is shown or hidden under certain circumstances.
    • Visibility formula: If the result of the formula is TRUE or a number above 0. The question is visible. If the result is FALSE or 0, it’s hidden.

Usage in calculations

  • The value returned is the value of the question. You can use it in a variable and/or a formula.

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